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Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

What is an RESP?

RESPs are registered education savings plans 1 that grow tax-deferred until beneficiary withdraws funds for post-secondary education. Students usually pay little or no tax on those funds when withdrawn as RESP contributions are nontaxable and students are at lower income tax rate.

What are the RESP contribution limits?

Currently, RESP has a lifetime contribution limit of $50,000 per beneficiary. Each beneficiary is eligible to receive a maximum of $7,200 - as Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG). Grant amounts are not included in the lifetime RESP contribution limit.

The Canada Education Savings Grant 2 is a grant from the Government of Canada paid directly into an RESP that provides between 20 and 40 cents for every dollar saved for a child's education, depending on your income. Only contributions to an RESP are eligible for the Canada Education Savings Grant if the beneficiary is 17 years of age or under.

That's a major plus along with earnings that grow tax-deferred until the child is ready for post-secondary education. There is usually little or no tax on those funds when withdrawn as RESP contributions are nontaxable and students are at lower income tax rate.

For example, if a family contributes $25 to an RESP every two weeks for a total of $650 per year, their RESP would receive a minimum Canada Education Savings Grant of $130, based on 20% of their total contributions.

If the family continues to contribute this amount each year for 15 years and we assume a 5% rate of return, the child would have $4,700 for each year of a four-year university program. Almost $800 a year would come directly from the grant.

The Amount of the CESG

Minimum RESP grant is 20% of RESP contribution and maximum of $5,000 - contribution during a year is eligible for grant provided beneficiary not fully utilized CES grant in the past.

The additional amount of the grant is based on your family income. The amount can change over time as your family income changes. No matter what your net family income is, the grant provides at least 20 cents for every dollar on the first $2,500 of annual RESP savings made on behalf of a child. Depending on your family income, your child could receive additional grant on RESP savings that you make after 2004 on behalf of a child. Check the CRA RESP website for the latest figures.

Your net family income is reported on your Canada Child Tax Benefit statement (commonly known as “baby bonus”, or “family allowance”) that you receive from Canada Revenue Agency each July.

Additional Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

In January 2011, the Federal Government revised the income brackets used to calculate the amount of additional CESG money available to Canadian families. These income brackets are indexed yearly.

In later federal budgets, the rules for RESPs were changed to make them far more attractive to parents saving for their child's education.

Some of the changes include the following:

  • Universities, colleges, CEGEPS, vocational and technical schools are now included as eligible post-secondary institutions.
  • Maximum RESP contribution in a calendar year that is eligible to receive CES grant is now $5,000, increased from $4,000 and previously $2,000.
  • Lifetime RESP contribution limit per beneficiary is increased from $42,000 to $50,000.
  • There are more options for the parent if the child does not attend post-secondary school or does not complete the program. Previously a contributor could lose all the income earned by their RESP contributions if the child did not pursue a post-secondary education. That growth income stayed in the group plan for the benefit of students who did go on and complete their education. Only the original contributions would be returned to the parent.
  • Ottawa now allows RESP contributors to transfer up to $50,000 in interest earned in a registered education savings plan to their RRSP if they have sufficient contribution room.

Check the Canadian Education Saving Grant website for the latest figures about the Additional Canada Education Savings Grant.

Financial institutions offering RESPs are not required to include all of the changes proposed by the government. This means that RESP plans from different financial institutions may have different features, exclusions and limitations. Carefully review the different plans you are considering, and choose the one that meets your requirements.

What are the two types of RESPs available? To keep it simple, for the moment: Scholarship Trust RESPs put your contributions into a pool with other contributors and invest it for you. Self-directed RESPs let you select investments from thousands of mutual funds available or other investment choices. RESP plans can be set up for one child or several children in a family plan. We'll cover the differences in more detail with a profile of each of the plan types.

Why is investing in an RESP better than saving outside an RESP? Saving inside an RESP with the Canada Education Savings Grant can create an education fund worth up to 40% more than saving outside an RESP.

A family saving outside an RESP could see their savings of $25 every two weeks over a 15-year period amount to $13,304 after tax, assuming a 5% market rate of return. That same contribution, growing tax-free in an RESP, without a Canada Education Savings Grant, would total $15,666.

When the Canada Education Savings Grant is added to the RESP contributions each year, the total for those same contributions reaches $18,790. (Based on 20% of the total contributions.)

Contact our office for more information about RESP accounts.

More information can also be found at: CanLearn.ca

1CRA, Government of Canada
2CRA, Government of Canada

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  • Sarah has done a great job for us both at our company (in organizing our benefits program) and with my personal financial planning. She is thorough, meticulous, very responsive and enjoyable to work with.

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  • Sarah has been facilitating our company group insurance needs for the past 8 years. She has helped structure our benefits in keeping with what is important to us, our budget as well as sustainability of the plan on a long term basis. She has consistently made sure that we have the best possible...

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  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for all your attention while helping our company learn about benefits. You certainly made us feel comfortable while explaining how things worked. At all times I felt you were well versed in the advice you were giving us to get set-up. I am very happy...

    Pioneer System Inc.

  • Sarah and her team provide excellent customer service and I would highly recommend her for both investment and insurance needs. She is patient, understanding, knowledgeable and trustworthy. She listened to our needs and gave sound advice based on what our expectations are. A wonderful...

  • Thank very much for taking the time to explain various insurance products based on my need. The information is helpful and I thank you for your expert knowledge, honesty and care. I can tell you genuinely care for me, my family and my business. You provided options and you shed insights when I...

    Marriage and Family Therapist RMFT

  • I myself am a starting physician. The area of finance is both new and exciting as well as daunting. First of all, I really appreciated that Sarah was able to accommodate to meet with my husband and I – she was flexible with her time and made all attempts to help us plan financially on a busy...

  • We are a family of four with two young children. With our busy schedule, financial planning unfortunately is grossly neglected so we could keep pace with our daily routine. Fortunately for us, we have Sarah Wyse to keep us on track with our financial goals. We met Sarah over three years ago and...

  • I keep coming back to Sarah for her expertise, friendly, and highly responsive service. She has always provided great advice while putting consideration for my personal needs.
    Under unfortunate circumstances I recently had to deal with another service agency and the contrast in the level...

  • I’m lucky to have Sarah as my financial advisor. She is very honest, knowledgeable and personable. She takes the time to get to know me, answer any questions I may have and is always available when I need her. She provides excellent customer service and truly puts her clients first. I’m glad...

  • Sarah is an expert in her field, and has provided me with excellent financial planning. She is a person of integrity who goes above and beyond to get the best for her clients.


  • As a senior, I sincerely appreciate Sarah’s time and attention to the many details involved in securing my future retirement years. Over the past decade Sarah has continuously provided good sound advice freely and honestly. Her pleasant, personal style has also given me the confidence to...


  • I am very pleased with Sarah’s services. I find her very knowledgeable in her field. She is professional and friendly. She is client focused and always puts our best interests in mind when recommending investment or insurance plans for us. I can trust her to look after our needs.

  • Sarah has always stayed true to her word, following up, providing information, answering any of our questions and addressing our concerns. Taking an extra step to ensure our satisfaction has made her stand out in the crowd. We trust her advice and believe that she has our best interest at heart...

    Executive Creators of Dalicious

  • Overall, Sarah provides excellent service and we are proud to have her as our advisor. We feel that our trust is well placed and believe that she will help our family deal with any crisis in the future.

    Project Coordinator, Toronto Decor

  • I have great confidence in Sarah. She is very professional and sincere. She always places the need of the customer as top priority. When I first met her, she took the time to understand my situation and needs, and then suggest and explain a proposal for my retirement plan. I am very grateful to...

  • Sarah is our retirement planning, insurance and RESP advisor. Every year, she always takes the time to sit down with us to go over our plans and give us new ideas and suggestions. She is very professional, very meticulous. We thank her for all the services she provides to our family.

  • As we are nearing our retirement, it is not easy to navigate the sea of investment products available. Sarah is very knowledgeable and she makes sure what she recommends is the best for our situation. Also, she takes the time to explain each product so we can understand how it can affect us. We...

  • From my own experience, Sarah is a very hardworking and responsible individual. She is very dedicated to her work. Sarah’s work and advices were never late. When seeing a deadline coming up, on multiple occasions, she had volunteered to work on the weekend to ensure the insurance deadline was...

    P.Eng, BEE, CFO

  • I have great confidence in Sarah’s services for three main reasons:

    1. Sarah has been using her insight on personal finance and her comprehensive knowledge of the financial products available to help me build a solid foundation of my personal finance.
    2. Sarah always responses to...
  • We are thankful to have met Sarah 5 years ago. We have found her to be a great guide when faced with navigating the unfamiliar territory of financial planning. Thank you Sarah for accommodating our schedules and guiding us in these monumental decisions. We have come to trust you to look after...

  • Sarah is a very trustworthy and reliable person. I put my trust in her to manage our investments in our RRSPs. With her expertise in the field as a certified financial planner, we are expecting good returns from our investments.